Orphée et Eurydice

Nederlandse Reisopera
Fri 3 May / 19:45 - 21:30
Fri 3 May ’24
19:45 - 21:30

The Orpheus myth revolves around eternal themes of art, death and love, often focusing on the latter; Orpheus even risks his own life for his dead lover. But against the divine command, he looks back at Eurydice and thus loses her again.


C. W. Gluck Orphée et Eurydice 

None of that with Gluck's opera. His opera ends with a happy ending, in which Amor and the power of love are sung and Orpheus is united with his Eurydice.

The well-known Orpheus story has been reduced to its essence in Gluck's version. A compact drama for three characters: Orphée, Eurydice and L'Amour. After the sudden death of his young wife, Orpheus travels to the underworld to retrieve her from the realm of shadows. During his journey, the mythical singer is stopped by spirits, but his singing eventually manages to take him to the Elysian fields, where he finds Eurydice. She refuses to follow Orpheus and to exchange her existence in oblivion for the earthly vale of tears. When she finally follows him, Orpheus looks back and with the violation of the previously imposed prohibition, the sorrowful husband loses his beloved for the second time. At the end, the ever-victorious god of love Amor returns the grieving Orpheus to his beloved.

Surtitles in Dutch and English

Ooievaarspas discount
Ooievaarspas holders are eligible for a discount on the ticket price for this concert. To book tickets, we need to see your Ooievaarspas for registration purposes. Please contact our booking office to book your tickets.

Cloakroom and drink
Cloakroom and an intermission drink are included. If the event does not have an intermission, you will receive the drink afterwards.

Part of


Phion, Orkest van Gelderland & Overijssel
Consensus Vocalis koor
Sascha Goetzel Muzikale leiding

Yaroslav Abaimov Orphée
Kristina Bitenc Eurydice
Lucia Martin Carton L’ Amour
Alison Duarte, Kathrin Gramelsbergerh, Maarten Krielen, Tommy Pham, Roberto Tallarigo dans

Jennifer Williams regie
Pim Veulings choreografie
Yoko Seyama decorontwerp
Wolf Bittner video ontwerp
Sanne Oostervink kostuumontwerp
Alex Brok lichtontwerp