

Amare, formerly Stichting Dans- en Muziekcentrum and Zuiderstrandtheater
Curator of Amare. Cultural entrepreneur. Responsible and unifying.

Stichting Amare manages the building and organises the programming. It fulfils the role of the spider in the web of all residents of the Amare building, the neighbours on Spuiplein and the wider cultural field. Acting in this role, Amare seeks to cultivate its bond with and roots in the city of The Hague. Amare strives to reach all of the city’s communities by offering a high-quality programme of education, performances, projects and festivals, as well as events in the building’s public areas. Amare brings dance, music, musical theatre and community art of international allure to a wide audience. Amare’s partners are the cultural centre’s permanent residents: Residentie Orkest The Hague, Nederlands Dans Theater and the Royal Conservatoire.

Art and culture have both autonomous meaning and social impact. In an increasingly diverse city and society, we focus on a multi-colored programme, on inclusivity and encounters. Amare is a house for the whole of The Hague, it represents the Netherlands and the world of today.

Amare connects and inspires people with performing arts from all cultures.

In our substantive policy, we have therefore opted for three spearheads in the coming years, which make our mission concrete and provide direction for all our activities:

  • International and inclusive
  • The city as curator
  • Life-long learning


The foundation’s primary purpose is:

to promote the realisation and organisation of events of general cultural interest, the performance of which shall mainly occur inside the theatre complex;

Composition of the Board
The foundation has a managing director (Leontien Wiering), who is also director under the articles of association, and a Supervisory Board.

Supervisory Board
Mr J.H.A.S. Biesheuvel, chair
Mw. Drs. E.A. Bien, member
Mw. Drs. H.I.P. Oppatja, member
Dhr. Drs. P.M.M. Heijnen, member
Mw. R. Drigpal-Nagesar, member

Remuneration Policy
The director is remunerated in accordance with the Cao Nederlandse Podia (Collective Employment Agreement for Dutch Stage Venues) and the Richtlijn Bezoldiging Directeuren (Guideline for the Remuneration of Directors). All members of the Supervisory Board perform their duties without remuneration. The remaining staff is covered by the Cao Nederlandse Podia.


RSIN/Tax Identification Number

Chamber of Commerce number

Spuiplein 150
2511 DG Den Haag
The Netherlands

Postal Address
PO Box 11543
2502 AM The Hague
The Netherlands

T +31(0)70 88 00 300

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