Wij Den Haag Journaal #1

Dozens of creative professionals, performers, amateur musicians and city residents are currently working toward Amare’s Open Festival 2021. They have already spent months rehearsing on remarkable city productions in especially compiled ensembles and dance companies. Wij Den Haag Journaal is closely following all the developments, criss-cross around the city of The Hague.

 The principal guest in the first Journaal is Jan Zoet. As Amare’s Managing Director, the city productions were his initiative. We will also be visiting one of the six musical ensembles, created and supervised by professional musicians and Royal Conservatoire students. Each ensemble originated from and rehearses at a ‘Haags Cultuuranker’. We will also make our way to Theater De Vaillant at the edge of the Schilderswijk neighbourhood to attend a jam session with Lichtpuntjes. And to top it off we talk to Sarif Tribou, the composer creating a communal composition for the ‘Parade to Amare’. On 20 November, some 350 musicians will parade through the city to Spuiplein, where they will collectively perform this composition.