Shostakovich's Eighth

Nederlands Blazers Ensemble
Sat 3 Feb / 20:15
Sat 3 Feb ’24

Artistic director Bart Schneemann talks about one of his great passions: Shostakovich's 8th string quartet.


Dmitri Shostakovich 8th string quartet

What is the story behind the notes, why is this music, 'in memory of the victims of fascism and war', his most beloved work? Russian culture in grand form: confusion, passion, emotion and depth…

Ooievaarspas discount
Ooievaarspas holders are eligible for a discount on the ticket price for this concert. To book tickets, we need to see your Ooievaarspas for registration purposes. Please contact our booking office to book your tickets.

Cloakroom and drink
Cloakroom and an intermission drink are included. If the event does not have an intermission, you will receive the drink afterwards.


Nederlands Blazers Ensemble