
John Watts solo
Tue 3 Oct / 21:00 - 23:00
Tue 3 Oct ’23
21:00 - 23:00
  • Tue 3 Oct ’23
    Lobby open
    Nieuwe Kerk, The Hague

Passionate, political, goal oriented. And above all a performer. John Watts, better known as Fischer-Z carries a rich history of different band configurations and collaborations. 

In his career he played more than 3000 concerts worldwide and produced 25 albums, which sold more than 2 million copies in total. For an intimate concert in The Hague, PAARD invites Fischer-Z for a solo performance in the Nieuwe Kerk.

PAARD en Amare hebben de handen ineengeslagen om jaarlijks meerdere grote popconcerten te organiseren in de concertzaal van Amare. Dit concert is onderdeel van deze samenwerking. Bekijk hier het overzicht van alle gezamenlijke concerten.