International Dance Fund

September 2021, news

The Hague is known as the city of peace and justice. But Amare, Holland Dance Festival and Nederlands Dans Theater are determined to turn it into a city of dance as well. With every facet of the world of dance represented within the city – from education and talent development to creation, presentation and education – The Hague can justly call itself the number one city of dance in the Netherlands.

The opening of Amare, a venue specifically designed to enable the optimal presentation of national and international dance performances, furthermore gave the dance scene in The Hague a tremendous boost. Keeping this in mind, the founding of FIND (Fonds Internationale Dans, or the International Dance Fund) seems like a natural consequence. FIND’s purpose is to bring high-profile international dance productions to the Netherlands and to consolidate The Hague’s reputation as the number one city of dance in the Netherlands. By booking dance performances that would otherwise not reach Dutch stages and thereby enriching the variety of the Dutch dance scene, FIND helps a broad audience discover the rich world of dance. 

The fund’s programming committee consists of Amare’s business director, Leontien Wiering, and head of programming, Geesje Prins, as well as the artistic and managing director of Holland Dance Festival, Samuel Wuersten, and the artistic director of Nederlands Dans Theater, Emily Molnar. FIND is financially supported through Amare’s and Holland Dance Festival’s budgets, with additional contributions from sponsors and donors. 

Each season, FIND’s programming committee selects a number of productions to invite to The Hague.