Donate now

Would you like to contribute directly to Amare? You can donate securely and easily online. It’s up to you to choose the amount. Every contribution, large and small, is welcome. We are extremely grateful for your involvement and support! 


Donate once-off to Amare with an amount of your choice using the Tikkie app. Your contribution supports us directly.

➤ Go to Tikkie

Bank transfer

If you prefer to make use of a bank transfer, you can transfer your donation to:

Bank account number: NL32 RABO 0329 1585 03
Swift code (BIC): RABONL2U (for donations from other countries)
On the name of: Stichting Podium van de Stad

Mentioning: One-off donation (if you also add your email address we can thank you personally)

Contributions and donations to Amare are administered by ‘Stichting Podium van de Stad’. This supporting foundation seeks financial donations for Amare and is registered as a cultural ANBI (public benefit organisation). The purpose of Stichting Podium van de Stad is to (financially) support Stichting Amare. The foundation’s capital is used to support Amare with regard to special projects. 

Tax benefits

Supporting Amare can be financially favourable, as your donation entitles you to a tax benefit. An ANBI (public benefit institution) is exempt from gift tax. Your donation is therefore deductible from your income or corporate tax. A donation to a cultural ANBI may be increased by 25%. The deductible amount depends on the type of gift and on your personal tax rate. 

Ordinary donation
For ordinary donations, the deductible amount is subject to a threshold and a ceiling. The threshold amount is 1% of your total taxable income. This threshold must first be subtracted from your donation (increased by 25%). The remaining amount can be deducted from your income tax, to a maximum amount of 10% of your income. 

Periodic donation
You receive a higher tax benefit if you conclude a periodic donation agreement for at least five years. You can deduct this donation from your income tax annually, without a threshold or ceiling amount. It means that a periodic donation can be deducted for 125% from your tax income. Are you interested in this option? Then contact us to discuss it further! 

Calculation example for an ordinary donation of 750 (with a threshold amount of 350):

  • € 750  x 125% = € 937.50  is the total amount of your donation
  • € 937.50 - 350* = € 587.50 is the tax deductible amount
  • € 587.50 x 36.97* = € 217.20 is your tax benefit
  • € 750 - € 217 = € 533 is the net cost of your donation

Calculation example for a periodic donation of € 750:

  • € 750 x 125% = € 937.50 is the tax deductible amount
  • € 937.50 x 36.97%* = € 346.59 is your tax benefit
  • € 750 - € 346.59 = € 403 is the net cost of your donation

Please note: this calculation example does not take account of your personal situation, but the calculation tool does.

➤ Use the calculation tool