Musicroom 2: Hermes Barzelini (7+)

Rap solo
BIG BANG Festival
Sat 13 Apr
Sat 13 Apr ’24

Experience the music rooms during the BIG BANG Festival: step into a room and discover a musical surprise. Journey through a world of different music styles while exploring all the hidden corners of Amare!

Beats that grab you, strong opinions and a standout character: that’s Hermes Barzelini. Hermes Barzelini is an up-and-coming rapper from The Hague’s neighbourhood of Schilderswijk/Transvaal. His tracks take you to this side of the city, with an irresistible storytelling flow. 

Hermes is a fan of dark trap beats and hip hop, but is able to adapt to just about any genre. That’s clear from the recent productions that he co-produced. With releases like Real070 and Onkruid Mixtape, he has introduced a new sound to the city and has come to dominate The Hague’s world of rap. The one thing Hermes cannot do is to sit still. With his clear-eyed vision and sense of purpose, Hermes knows where he’s heading. His original sound demands recognition, and he’s coming to get it!

De exacte locatie van de musicroom wordt van tevoren gecommuniceerd in de servicemail. 

Ooievaarspas discount  
Ooievaarspas holders are eligible for a discount on the ticket price for this concert. To book tickets, we need to see your Ooievaarspas for registration purposes. Please contact our booking office to book your tickets.