Bellyhorn (AL)

Sat 13 Apr and Sun 14 Apr
Sat 13 Apr ’24
Sun 14 Apr ’24
  • Sat 13 Apr ’24
    11:00 - 19:00
  • Sun 14 Apr ’24
    11:00 - 16:30

Experience the low sub-bass tones of the Bellyhorn, cuddle or spread out on its belly to hug its vibrations. Beware: this instrument needs your body to be played. 

Bellyhorn is a big, organic-shaped, tangible and almost beastly instrument. It consists of a horn, a trunk and a 'belly'. If you sing into the horn, sub-bass tones will sound from the instrument. The further you put your head into the horn, the louder you'll play its tone. If you lift the horn, you also lift the pitch of the tone. When you sit or lie down on the Belllyhorn (as a listener or as a player), you can feel these deep bass tones through all of your body. 


Dianne Verdonk - performer, composer and instrument designer - seeks the ultimate, personal form of musical expression, using bodily interaction as a fundamental element. Over the last years, she created instruments such as La Diantenne, Bellyhorn and Pulseyarn. To be able to play the instruments she invents, you need your body to create a sound.  

Apart from being an instrument developer, she founded the Utrecht-based Sounds Like Touch foundation, a platform for artists who strive to make electronic music tangible, observable and physical. Sounds Like Touch believes that expression through tactile electronics can amplify a personal, visible, rousing performance experience, enhancing a strong connection between performer and audience.