Warriors Foot

In collaboration with Corpo Máquina and El Jackson Education

Students, pupils or young audience members become dancers in a choreography based entirely on the game of football.

As a young boy growing up in Tilburg-Noord, Nasser El Jackson fell in love with the ball. They spent long days together, and through his endless practice Nasser grew up to be a young man for whom this piece of inflated leather held no secrets. In 2016 he met choreographer Guilherme Miotto, who was instantly captivated by Nasser’s exceptional personality and skills: a wonderful combination of charisma, elegance and virtuosity, and eagerness to help others. He thereupon decided to create a full solo programme for the football artist from Tilburg.

This solo programme, titled Ball, forms the basis for the workshop series Warriors Foot, developed by Corpo Máquina in collaboration with Nasser’s organisation, El Jackson Education. Warriors Foot is a 30-minute performance put together with a class of young people through three workshops of 2.5 hours, given by Guilherme and Nasser. Students, pupils or young audience members become dancers in a choreography based entirely on the game of football. The classes and Nasser together take possession of the stage. With visual effects as decor design and a multi-layered sonic landscape, the result is a dynamic and rhythmic performance that gives joy to both the participants and their peers, friends and families. The show will be performed both at the participating schools and at Amare.

School classes can participate in the Warriors Foot workshop series. The class will work with Nasser El Jackson during 3 sessions of 2.5 hours each to create a 30-minute performance. The show will be performed both at the participating schools and at Amare. Schools can register by sending an email to marloes.vandenberg@amare.nl.

Open Festival

You can see the end result as part of the familiedag on Sunday 21 November.

More information

Wij Den Haag

Corpo Máquina

Warriors Foot

Warriors Foot is made possible in part by: