More about Amare

Amare lifts off for repair works

Yes, that’s right: Amare will lift off! As the Concertzaal has sunk by a few millimetres more than was anticipated, the entire hall will be lifted up by 2 centimetres, on 1 and 2 August. 

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International Dance Fund

Three dance organisations from The Hague have joined forces to bring more international dance to Amare. 

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Open House revisited

Last weekend we were able to welcome over 5000 visitors to Amare! Even though the building is not entirely finished on the inside, you came in great numbers to have a look and get a feel. 

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Royal Couple attends the festive handover of Amare

On Thursday evening, 2 September, Amare had some very special visitors! His Royal Highness King Willem-Alexander and Her Majesty Queen Máxima attended the festive handover of Amare.

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MEYER-CHAFFAUD looking for paticipants in performance

MEYER-CHAFFAUD is looking for 50 enthusiastic amateurs who want to participate in the performance Body Landscape during the opening weekend of Amare on 19 and 20 November.

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