Georgia Festival
საქართველოს ფესტივალი

Discover Georgia in a versatile arts festival with music, theater, literature and local delicacies.

Every two years we collaborate with festival europalia from Belgium to present a versatile artistic program around a country. This year the arts festival is all about Georgia! The rich program will start in October 2023 with exhibitions, performances, concerts, film, dance and theater performances and literature. Amare proudly participates in this international festival as the only Dutch partner.

Performances in Amare:

Enjoy the atmosphere and local delicacies

During the festival you can enjoy Georgian delicacies at various times. Enjoy the best local wines, specially provided for us by the Georgian embassy in The Hague. Typical snacks can also be tasted at various times.

On Saturday October 28, there will be a Georgian market on the Amare Kunstplein from 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM with stalls selling wine, jewelry, handicrafts, historical artifacts, Georgian-Dutch literature and catering with a buffet of local snacks.

Workshops & Reading

During the festival there are various workshops and lectures to follow. For example, the renowned Georgian musicologist and singer Nana Mzhavanadze is coming to The Hague especially for the festival. She is an important driving force behind the preservation and revival of the polyphonic heritage.

Saterday 21 October

Saterday 28 October

  • 13:00-20:00 Georgian Market / Kunstenplein
  • 14:00-17:00 Workshop Georigische Polyfonie led by Nana Mzhavanadze / Amare Studio
  • 18:30-19:00 Reading by Nana Mzhavanadze / Swing
  • 19:15-19:30 Pop-up concert workshop Polyfonie led by Nana Mzhavanadze / Tribunetrap